Students are welcome to enter the building beginning at 7:30. ALL students should be present in class at 8:00. Breakfast is served in the classrooms for Primary and Students 1st-8th may pick up breakfast at the entrance kiosk to eat. 

Students will be released at 3:15. We try VERY HARD to have all students in their vehicles or with their parents and on their way by 3:25. If you are prepared with your sign and arrive 5-10 minutes early, this helps us all get out the door quickly and on with the rest of our afternoons.

If you would like to help speed drop off and pickup along, please follow the traffic pattern very closely.  You can also lend a hand with our traffic volunteers. You don’t need experience, just a willingness to be friendly with other parents and a desire to keep traffic moving at a reasonable pace.  

On the first day, please follow the pickup and drop off instructions  If you would like to walk your student to the door please park along LaVista or the East Grand jug handle near the SantaFe Trail.  There is no parking in front of the school off Grand as that is the route for both parents and busses to enter and exit the carpool lane. 


PRIMARY STUDENTS will enter the Library Door facing LaVista Street.  Primary teachers and TAs will meet their classes at this door and lead them to their classrooms.


1ST-6TH GRADE STUDENTS will enter through the Office Door facing East Grand Avenue.  Lower Elementary will report to the Gym, Upper Elementary will report to the Auditorium,


Middle School will enter at the door nearest the cafeteria report to the cafeteria.  


All students will go directly to their classrooms after 7:45, stopping at kiosk stations if they wish to pick up breakfast.  Breakfast and Lunch are provided at no cost to families for ALL DISD students.


If you are unsure who your child’s teacher is this year, please visit the office and they will assist you in finding your classroom. If your student is new and needs help finding their classroom, please let an adult at the door know and they will find them a buddy to guide them to class.

Breakfast and lunch are served each day at no cost to families.  You can find the menu using the DISD MealViewer site or Appand then choosing Mata Montessori.

Students pick up their breakfast each morning on the way to class and then eat in their classrooms.

Primary students eat lunch family-style in their classrooms, they are served the main entree listed on the DISD MealViewer. Students are also welcome to bring a nutritious lunch from home.

1st-8th grade students eat lunch each day in the cafeteria and have a choice of entree listed on the DISD MealViewer. Students may also bring lunch from home, there are no refrigerators or microwaves available for students, so please pack all lunch items ready to eat.  If you choose to send lunch, please also make sure that your student is able to open each item independently and knows which items to return home.

After School restraint collapse is real! The first weeks or months of school are a big adjustment for everyone and the littler you are the bigger the adjustment! Take after school slow, make sure kids have time to decompress and have a snack before creating too many more demands.  Spending 7 hours a day learning in an active environment full of people involves A LOT of self-control and regulation. Sometimes, it involves all of the self-control you have for the day. Making sure the first days and weeks of school have plenty of time for decompression and sleep can really help any after school behavior issues you start to notice.  You can also feel free to contact our counselors, Dr. Lopez and Ms. Gunter for more information and help.
