
Do you have 3 hours to give this year?

There are so many ways you can help Mata Montessori School, and the PTA is asking every parent to donate at least three hours of time this school year. We want to help parents find different ways to volunteer — at home, in school, and in the community — which all support student learning. This way, parents can volunteer when they have time during the day, in the evening or on the weekends. Volunteering is also the best way to meet other Mata families and build a network of Mata friends.

Volunteer examples

Reading Partners Spend less than an hour a week working through a simple reading intervention curriculum with a Mata student. Follow the scripted, straightforward curriculum and help a child improve their reading.

Classroom Materials Ask your teacher if they need help preparing any materials, such as cutting laminated items or after school help organizing the room.

School Events There are very few times we are allowed past the front office door, so it is extra fun to take advantage of those times when parents are asked to help during the school day!

Activities such as Hot Chocolate and Pajama Day, Sweetheart Read, and Field Day involve interacting with students at school.

Other Events Look for sign-ups throughout the year to help with like the International Festival, Mata PTA Auction, Sweetheart Dance, Beach Bash and more.

Translation Services Our community is full of both English and Spanish speakers so we do our best to make sure all communication is made in both languages and we can’t that without our wonderful bilingual helpers!

Volunteers at any school-related function MUST be cleared by the district. This can be done at dallasisd.voly.org and must be renewed every year.

Please email pta@matapta.org for more information about any of these opportunities.

Ready to learn more? Sign up below!

We appreciate all of your talents and want to put them to good use! We have compiled the following survey to learn a bit more about you and the things that interest you as a volunteer. This survey in no way commits you to any specific task but is intended only as an interest finder. If you would like to contribute your time and talent, check your areas of interest.

For questions, please email amy@matamontessori.com.
