Event: 4pm-7pm on October 22, 2022 (Trunks parked from 3:30p to 7:15p)
This includes a VIP Business parking space. Businesses are welcome to pass out advertisements at their trunk only, and no sale transactions are allowed at the event. Businesses are requested to provide decorations for you space, a simple game or activity, and providing their own treats or prizes to hand out. Please expect 300-500 “trick-or-treaters”.
Trunk setup can start as early as 2 p.m. You may check in at the Welcome Table upon arrival. Please note that Trunkers must arrive and park no later than 3:30 p.m. You must also remain in your assigned parking space until 7:15 p.m. or after you are notified that the event has ended. You will not be permitted to drive through the Trunk-or-Treat area during the event. NO EXCEPTIONS! An adult must remain with your parking spot throughout the event. Mata Montessori PTA and Mata Montessori are not responsible for your vehicle, its contents, or items used in your space.
QUESTIONS? Contact Ruben De La Paz
(214) 450-9180