2024-2025 Executive Board


Room Rep Coordinator

Dual Language Room Rep Coordinator

Teacher Appreciation

Community Liaison

Eagle Wagon


Healthy Lifestyles




Teacher Representative

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion



Family Engagement
What we do
Mata PTA is a nonprofit organization focused on improving the education, opportunities, and welfare of Mata Montessori students through facilitating engagement and cooperation among parents, teachers, and the community. We advocate for Mata and public schools; raise money for the school; plan and sponsor events throughout the year; and coordinate school communication through our website, calendar updates, emails, and posts to the Mata PTA Facebook page. Here is some of what we do:
- Advocacy We support our kids, our school, and public education through community relations and advocating for legislation that benefits our school, and we educate parents on how to do the same.
- Grants We have a team of parents who find and apply for grants for the school. We have been awarded many thousands of dollars in grant money!
- North Texas Giving Day We raise funds for the school by participating in this area-wide day of giving. Parents are encouraged to contribute to this campaign and to share the opportunity with friends and family.
- Eagle Wagon We sell spirit shirts, sweatshirts, Mata decals, yard signs and more throughout the school year.
- After-School Programs We help the school coordinate various extra-curricular programs.
- Marquee We sell space each week on the school’s marquee sign for a special message to your child.
- Room Reps Parents can sign up to be the coordinator for their child’s class, facilitating school and classroom communication and organizing volunteer efforts.
- Reflections Art Contest Students are invited to participate in a national art contest and can choose from several different media.
- Dress Pass Friday The last Friday of each month is Dress Pass Friday. Participating students can wear non-uniform clothes to school.
- Teacher Appreciation We sponsor a back to school breakfast and provide dinner on both parent/teacher conference nights, plus lots of fun surprises during teacher appreciation week and throughout the year.
- Community Coffees PTA regularly sponsors breakfast, coffee, and a speaker in the Mata library. We have hosted many special guests from the school, the district, and state and local government..
- Clean-Ups In the fall and spring, we organize a morning to clean up around Mata or White Rock Lake.
- Yahoo/Boohoo Breakfast We treat parents to breakfast and coffee on the first day of school.
- Popsicles at the Park We provide popsicles and snacks at Lindsley Park during the first week of school.
- New Family Mixer New Mata families are invited to meet up to learn more about the school and meet various parent leaders.
- Health Fair PTA helps the SBDM Coordinated School Health Committee to plan and execute a free community health fair.
- Fall Social We organize a family gathering in the fall, where we sell spaces to parties held throughout the year and give parents the opportunity to bid on Teacher Gifts of Time.
- International Festival Each class picks a different country to research, makes a display with their gathered information, and provides food that represents their country.
- Sweetheart Read On Valentine’s Day, parents are invited to come read a story with their child and enjoy refreshments in the library.
- Auction We host a big (adults only) party, where guests can bid on items like hotel stays, vacation rentals, local art, restaurant gift cards, toys/games, jewelry, tickets to sports and concerts, and more. We usually raise over $40,000 for the school!
- Popsicles on the Playground The kids enjoy popsicles outside after lunch on the last day of school.