Casa Abierta Mata

Colegio Eduardo Mata Montessori 7420 La Vista Drive, Dallas, TX

Open House will be conducted by teachers on September 3. Mata PTA will have a booth set up where you can learn more about the…

Tronco o golosina

Colegio Eduardo Mata Montessori 7420 La Vista Drive, Dallas, TX

¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro festival anual de otoño Trunk-Or-Treat! Patrocinado por Mata Montessori PTA y Comerica Bank. Habrá juegos, actividades, food trucks, y de…


Festival Internacional

Colegio Eduardo Mata Montessori 7420 La Vista Drive, Dallas, TX

Come and enjoy a fun-filled event with special guest presentations, sample-sized foods from around the world, and displays made by each class. Every class is…
